Tavis J Taylor

there is no street address
Bremerton, Washington 
Phone: (360) 548-2823
This clinic is now virtual only, 1-2 days monthly for Internal Medicine consultations (NOT primary care), Transgender Health, and Energy work.

Pls note different mailing address: PO Box 3227, Bremerton, WA 98310

All phone calls go to voicemail which is received as text/email by Dr Taylor, which will be addressed within the week. You can make changes to your appts on line yourself.

Appts may be made at any time for open slots. If you are not previously established, please make sure you schedule time for 2 appts the month you wish to be seen-an initial new patient appt and a followup soon thereafter.

Standard followup is 20 mins, choose 40 mins if you need more time.

This clinic does NOT provide urgent/emergent care or chronic pain services,ie no narcotics or opioids are prescribed.
For further questions please refer to our website

Personal Information:
Name: Tavis J Taylor
Gender: Male
Languages: English
Education & Training
Professional school: University of Washington school of medicine
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Years in practice: 33
Professional affiliations: Association of American Indian Physicians, WPATH
Practice Information
Accepting new patients: Yes
Hospital affiliations: Harrison Medical Center
Health insurance affiliations: Non Participating Provider, accepts cash and credit cards
Business Hours
Sunday:   closed
Monday:   closed
Tuesday:   closed
Wednesday:   closed
Thursday:   closed
Friday:   11:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday:   closed