Synergy Holistic Health

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
Phone: (918) 924-3982
Here you can request an appointment for services. You will receive a confirmation email if your request is accepted. If you do not receive a confirmation, you will need to call or text to schedule. Please call or text for same-day appointments. If this is your first appointment for chiropractic, please schedule a "New Chiropractic Exam." We look forward to seeing you!

Personal Information:
Name: Synergy Holistic Health
Gender: Female
Education & Training
Professional school: Palmer College of Chiropractic
Specialty: Alternative Medicine
Years in practice: 16
Practice Information
Accepting new patients: Yes
Health insurance affiliations: Accepts Flex Spending Accounts, Accepts Health Savings Account Cards, Flexible Spending, HSA, and you can submit your receipts for sessions to your provider for possible out-of-network reimbursement benefits.
Business Hours
Sunday:   closed
Monday:   12:30PM - 5:30PM
Tuesday:   closed
Wednesday:   12:30PM - 5:30PM
Thursday:   closed
Friday:   11:30AM - 5:30PM
Saturday:   closed